I love painting pears ... with their sinuous form. Here's today's painting. I started it thinking I might do just a modified grisaille (monochromatic painting) to concentrate on form rather than color. I held to that approach (using just a combination of burnt sienna/french ultramarine blue/titanium white) for all of about 15 minutes. Then I started adding in colors to the pear only, some cadmiums -- yellows, green light, oranges. I guess I couldn't help myself. I also added in the produce section sticker -- something that used to be a trademark of my early still life paintings. So, no, I didn't forget to take it off.
This is painted alla prima -- or all at once -- wet into sopping wet.
"Pear", oil on Raymar panel, 8"h x 6"w, copyright Jill Banks 2008.
Also ... start the New Year out right. We will be holding the Artists' Atelier, the studio I share with 13 other artists, open for First Friday, this Friday, January 2, 2009 from 7-9pm. Stop in to look at the art, and enjoy light refreshments and a glass of wine or sparkling water. The Artists' Atelier is located at 1144 Walker Road, Suite G, Great Falls, VA 22066. We are also open for regular open hours on Wednesdays and Saturdays, noon to 4pm -- except for Saturday, January 10. (The studio will be acting as host for a special workshop that weekend.)