Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oscar Haynes (Face #13) and Bob Simon (Face #100) Share Their Wisdom Today

"Reston Founder Robert (Bob) Simon: Face #100," 12"h x 12"w, oil
Two of my favorite models ... for my 100 Faces in 100 Days Project ... spoke today to share their 190 years + of collective wisdom. These two, Oscar Haynes (Face #13), age 95 and Reston founder Robert (Bob) Simon (Face #100), age 97 provided great inspiration to the packed standing-room only crowd at the Reston Museum. Oscar's great  godson, Eli, introduced the pair (great introduction!) and emceed the question and answer section of the program. I'm glad I didn't have to come up with answers to those questions on the spot.

Oscar's "my attitude is gratitude" motto sure puts life into perspective. When asked whether he would like to undo or redo anything about his life ... he wouldn't want to undo or redo a thing. He treats others well, courteously and feels good about the way he's acted and what's been accomplished. Eli mentioned that to meet Oscar is to become his friend. So true. What a great way to live for  95 years.

It was interesting to me how much I learned about Oscar through this talk. While I painted him, we talked for three to four hours and I'd learned so much. What I realize is that when someone is highly productive, visionary and living life fully in gear for 95 years, getting to know all about that person takes many, many, many, many four hour discussions. He's amazing!!!
"Oscar Haynes: Face #13," 12"h x 12"w, oil on panel

Bob Simon received a lot of questions and praise about Reston. Obviously, and for good reason, people feel passionate about this unique community and place that Bob made a reality. One of his comments that interested me was about density. Some people who already live here fear change and development. He clearly doesn't -- giving the example of Manhattan. With people comes a greater community. You need people to fill the plazas, support businesses, build amenities, make our lives more vibrant. I agree!

Today was about listening ... to wise advice ...  from two passionate, good men. They've set great examples by which to live.

100 Faces in 100 Days Project:
Phone: 703.403.7435

1 comment:

Christine said...

I'm sorry I missed that. I bet it was fascinating.