"Lemon Yellow", one more painting of a lemon, was one of the five still life setups from my Still Life class today. I set this one up in my studio and painted it this afternoon. I will be submitting it on Friday for the Great Falls Studios group show at the Old Brogue that runs the month of August.
For this painting, and recent work done on "Sunflowers and Gladioli" I added Winsor Lemon by Winsor & Newton to my palette. (See post on my "Sunflowers and Gladioli" painting here.) It's nice added to my three cadmium yellows (deep, medium and pale).
There are two more classes in the Summer session, and registration is still going on for my portrait painting weekend workshop held on August 14, 15, and 16. Go to the Great Falls Foundation for the Arts web site, Great Falls School of Art page to download the Summer bulletin and registration form.
On Sunday, Randy and I spent the day in Annapolis. It was hot! So, that left more time for sketching in an air-conditioned space. Some drawings from that trip will be shown as soon as I get a chance to photograph them. While getting ready for our Annapolis jaunt, I also re-discovered many more drawings from my Venice trip last year, including many done from statues and paintings in Venetian museums. My notes weren't overly helpful ... sort of staccato. I guess I was just more interested in looking than writing.
"Lemon Yellow", oil on linen, 8"h x 10"w, copyright Jill Banks 2009.
Ongoing and Upcoming Shows:
"On the Bright Side" solo show at the Great Falls Library, 9830 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls, VA 22066 through August 31. See web site for preview and open hours.
"Still Life Poetry" group invitational show at ArtSpace Herndon, August 4-30. Reception: August 8, 7-9pm, 750 Center Street, Herndon, VA.
MPA Artfest, juried outdoor show, Sunday, October 4, 10am-5pm.
And, my studio at the Artists' Atelier, 1144 Walker Road, Suites D&G, open Saturdays, noon-4pm and the First Friday of every month, 7-9pm ... plus any time I'm in there working or by appointment. Call 703.403.7435.
Web: www.jillbanks.com
Blog: jillbanks.blogspot.com
Email: jillbanks1@aol.com
Phone: 703.403.7435
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