The Great Falls Studio Holiday Show and Sale is being held Saturday and Sunday, December 13 &14, 10am to 5pm both days at the Wolf Trap Center for Education, 1645 Trap Road, Vienna, VA. Come join us if you can.
Empress, Reading" won't be part of my booth display ... unless someone tells me they'd like to see the painting there.
I've hung the five screens that constitute my booth with care. There are always so many pieces I'd like to include but given that this is a local show (unlike the Wickford RI, Atlanta, the Hamptons, Westport CT, Pittsburgh, etc. fine art festivals that have filled my calendar this year), if I'm missing something wanted, it's easy enough to handle special requests. (Randy and I will deliver, help hang, put together personal showings at your home or ours). Still, I forget all that while agonizing over putting those screens to best use.
In the car will be quite a few more just in case certain folks show up.
A view of my booth at the Holiday Show and Sale at Wolf Trap. Come for a visit! |
I'm tucked away in the room. You'll have to wander to find me. But, that's half the fun, isn't it?
"Empress, Reading" was created earlier in the year during one of those rare Open Life sessions I was able to attend at McLean Project for the Arts in the community center. In gathering pieces to be hung throughout the house for my Home Studio Collectors Open House, I uncovered or rediscovered some treasures. This is one of those.
Open Life is a peculiar experience. One person is missing his/her clothes. The rest of us are thoroughly consumed/involved/focused on our drawings or paintings. The main sign of the imbalance of cover-ups is the slight battle that ensues over the thermostat. Our model's pose -- reading rather lounging -- suggests she has noticed either.
"Empress, Reading" was just added to my web site, following yesterday's graphite sketch of "
Michelangelo's David." That drawing was created in the Accademia in Florence, Italy, while staring at Michelangelo's masterpiece over many hours on my first visit to this favorite city. I've tried replicating that initial success on subsequent visits. A daunting task!
See you soon, I hope!
Coming up December 13 & 14:
The Great Falls Studios Holiday Show and Sale at the Wolftrap Education
Center. I hope to see you there. See info below and follow the link.
Events and Exhibits
- Ongoing: Visit the studio I share with 14 other artists at the Artists’ Atelier, Great Falls, VA open Wed. and Sat., 12- 4pm
- January 13-February 22, 2015: "Warm Observations: People and Places" Solo Exhibit, ArtSpace Herndon, Herndon, VA. Reception: Saturday, January 17. Painting demonstration: Saturday, January 31. RSVP for painting demo.
- See the Events page for more info/updates
Thanks for reading!
Sign Up for Winter Classes
I'll be teaching Portrait class on Sundays,
1:30 to 5:30pm starting January 25 for six sessions ... and Still Life
on Tuesdays, 10am to 1pm starting January 13 for eight sessions. Class
size is limited ... sign up now. More info and a link to register is on
Classes page at
Classes are filling rapidly ... REALLY rapidly.
Subscribe to my Email Newsletter: News from the Easel
"Michelangelo's David," graphite, drawn at the Accademia in Florence,©Jill Banks 2008 |