"Pumpkin Pie," oil, 12"h x 12"w by Jill Banks |
First, "Pumpkin Pie" isn't new ... I've been working on a portrait commission and reworking the "Poker Club" the last few days ... so I don't have any "fresh paint" pictures to post.
For some reason this post has been harder to write than others. I know what I want to convey but the words have been awkward. Still, so many things have happened lately that feel so good, I've got to figure it out.
This is what has happened lately.
Teaching Rewards
On Friday, I received a phone call from a friend ... who sounded hoarse. It turned out she was in tears. She was crying because she'd just been given the gift of taking my Still Life class.
Last Monday and Tuesday, as classes closed for the Fall -- I sat in the corner where I could see the whole class worth of canvases, and appreciated how far they had come. It's astounding, really. I see them passing what they've learned and their passion onto their easel-mates. They've made great friendships in that classroom, too... and are proud of each other. I'm grateful to have had a hand in all of that.
On Wednesday, Randy and I went to new collectors' home to help them make a decision between two pieces of art. What greeted us was a really warm welcome, treats and drinks, and a chance to get to know each other better. They were thankful that we were willing to bring the work to their house. I loved that they loved each piece so much that they were torn between the two. They are still torn -- but are considering purchasing both. Those two paintings have looked terrific on exhibit in other places. They have never looked as beautiful, and powerful, as they did in their house. That includes how they looked on the prime spot on the mantel in my own family room. Those paintings transformed an already beautiful space.
An interesting note is that this couple don't already own a lot of art. They are new to collecting and new collectors of mine. My pieces connected enough with them that they decided to
become collectors. I love it when my work joins an existing collection, but it's pretty wonderful to have my work start one.
The Poker Club
On Monday, my Dad and six of his poker buddies ... got together to be my models on an EXTRA poker night so that I could paint them. (The regular poker group that meets on Wednesdays is too big for me to fit on the canvas -- so I'll have a Fall painting of seven and a Spring painting of seven other players.) They were willing to sit -- just as four of them did for my 100 Faces project -- to help me capture an important part of their lives. Tomorrow, I'll paint them again.
The Reston Bike Club Meeting
1st Place Winner: "W&OD BBQ" at the Reston Bike Club Annual Meeting |
Tonight I attended the Annual Meeting of the Reston Bike Club as an honorary guest because my painting, "W&OD BBQ" was the 1st prize winner in the Reston Century T-Shirt Art Competition this Summer. The Reston Bike Club is a very supportive group, with many friends sharing a common passion. They also share a great sense of humor. Medals were given out to not only the most improved riders, but the leading member of the Black & Blue Club and Cutest Couple. I talked to a number of members who admired my piece and were interested in hearing more about it. One assumed that I was a cyclist because I brought such a sense of the place to the painting. What was great was being somewhere -- not surrounded by art enthusiasts, but by people who appreciated my art because it encompassed something special in their world.
I think there are multiple thoughts here. But, I'm thankful that there are people who appreciate and love what I create. I'm thankful for students who want to share the passion of creating and are excited to learn from me. I'm grateful there are people, like my Dad's poker club buddies, who will let me capture -- if I can -- a bit of their world and camraderie.
In the course of doing what I most love to do, my life keeps getting better, and richer, through your support, time and encouragement. Thank you!
Web Site Updates
Animals are definitely on my mind, what with these Beanie Baby paintings and the Richeson Exhibit ... so today I added a new gallery to my web site:
Animals, Birds and Wildlife. My own version of a virtual/online farm and zoo. Please take a look and tell me what you think.
Exhibits & Events
Expressions Portrait Exhibit at ArtSpace Herndon, November 1 through 27. "Tranquility" was chosen as one of the finalists. 750 Center Street, Herndon, VA.
The Art League "Small Works" Exhibit, 105 N. Union Street, Alexandria, VA. "Kiwi" and "Ostrich and Polka Dots" are on view November 9-December 5.
To read more about the 100 Faces in 100 Days project on my web site (
www.jillbanks.com), go to the 100 Faces Project
Pages 1 and
2 where you can see all 100 of my volunteers. Click on the paintings, and go to my blog post for that person's sitting.
100 Faces in 100 Days Project Page 1 (faces 1-54):
100 Faces in 100 Days Project Page 2 (faces 55-100):