"Weekend Edition" work in progress, oil on linen, 20"h x 20"w, copyright Jill Banks 2011 |
This post is longer since I've been AWOL lately.
I started "Weekend Edition" as a demo during Great Falls Foundation for the Arts Art Night Out fundraiser. I visited a lot and painted a little. Last night, I put the paintbrush down when I was talking. Tomorrow, I'll have to be better at combining the two activities.
Demo/Artist's Talk, Saturday, May 21, 2-5pm
I'll be painting a very nice face tomorrow afternoon at the Great Falls Library, 9830 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls. I hope you can join me for an interesting afternoon. We'll be surrounded by the 100 paintings from my "100 Faces in 100 Days" exhibit. I'm committed to talking about the project while painting. If I go, "uh" or "hmmm," you'll know I needed to concentrate on my painting for a minute.
The best way I can let you in on all the wonderful elements of this project is to talk to you, while doing what I did for 100 days, surrounded by all these faces. I also hope that you'll get to hear about the project from my volunteer sitters' perspectives. (Hint.)
I'm not sure how the painting will turn out tomorrow. I have three hours ... that's it ... and divided attention. Occasionally, life reminds me of a magic trick. I did choose my sitter for his beard. I had to simplify something.
The exhibit continues through May 31.
More on "Weekend Edition"
"Weekend Edition" will include the page of the
Washington Post's Weekend Section from May 6 that lists my "100 Faces in 100 Days" exhibit as the Gallery Opening of the Week. That's it undefined in the upper left corner. At one point last night, I asked Randy to fill up my mug (that's my lucky cup) with coffee. It came back steaming ... now I know that I'll also include those wisps of steam. Should be fun and a new challenge. This one's a work in progress ... hopefully I can squeeze in some more painting time during a very crazy week. Hmmmm.
"Blue," oil on linen, 12"h x 12"w, copyright Jill Banks 2011 |
Eastern Bluebird Chosen as Official Great Falls Bird
Well, that was lucky! Out of the seven bird candidates on the ballot for official bird, I had painted two for bird-related art exhibits spread throughout the year. I painted the Eastern Bluebird (the winner, #1) and the Wild Turkey (last place finisher, #7). So, "Blue" will be a candidate for a future art competition featuring the winning bird. Both "Blue" and "Turkey Gone Wild" will be part of a
Great Falls Studios group exhibit at the Great Falls Library in June.
Register Now for My "Mastering the Business of Art" Workshop
"Turkey Gone Wild," oil, 12"h x 12"w, copyright Jill Banks 2011 |
Creating a successful art career requires more than just creating appealing art. This two-part workshop covers the fundamentals of planning and establishing a career as a professional artist. Topics include goal setting, studio setup, purchasing supplies, pricing your work, exhibiting and selling, grants, marketing, social media and more! I began art classes in 2003 and have successfully built a rewarding art career through sales, commissions, awards, grants, lots of good ideas and hard work, and teaching. This popular class is held once a year. Do not miss this opportunity! For more information on me visit:
Wednesday, May 25 and Thursday, May 26, 6:30-9:30pm
$100 plus $20 booklet fee (booklet fee paid directly to instructor)
Please register by May 22. Late registrations are tough to manage. Thanks!
Lots more to tell you ... but you probably had enough. I hope to see you tomorrow! Wish me luck.
All the 100 Faces in 100 Days Exhibit Events
Mark your calendars for the 100 Faces exhibit events. All 100 faces will be on view two times this Spring/Summer. Please come!
May 3-31 at the Great Falls Library, Great Falls, VA
Reception: Saturday, May 7, 2:30-5:30pm
Demo/Artist’s Talk: Saturday, May 21, 2-5pm
August at the Artists’ Atelier, 1144 Walker Road, Suite G, Great Falls, VA
Reception: Friday, August 12, 6-9pm
Ice Cream Social: Saturday, August 13, 2-4pm
100 Faces in 100 Days Project:
Email: jillbanks1@aol.com
Phone: 703.403.7435