To the right: "Alice with a Bad Case of Wanderlust," oil on linen, 50"h x 42"w. "Alice" won Best of Show at the Art League in 2005.First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAM! Sam's my favorite son.
Second, my
web site is a bit more up to date, as of today. Specifically, it points you back to here -- my blog for the most recent info. The Atelier address reflects my current studio address and you can see some of my restaurant paintings in the "Places" section of the Gallery pages.
Third, sign-ups for Fall classes at the Great Falls School of Art begin now. (Right now is good!) Check out my two classes, both being taught on Tuesdays. "Drawing, Simplified" -- a great class for beginners or intermediate students, is from 9:30am-12:30pm on Tuesdays beginning September 23. "Painting the Portrait in Oils" will be held from 1:30-4:30pm. Each class costs $280 for the eight-week session. My classes are limited to six students -- so sign up quickly and be prepared for plenty of one-on-one instruction. For the portrait class, I really can work with students of all levels of experience -- and have something to offer each -- from the beginner to the super advanced. I've been well-taught and I've spent a few gadzillion hours painting. It pays off!
Here's the Fall 2008 Bulletin -- really, really hot off the presses:
Great Falls School of Art
Fall 2008 ADULT ART CLASSESCome Create in Great FallsFall courses begin the week of September 22, and run for eight weeks. Two one-day workshops are offered in digital photography. Registration begins immediately.
Drawing, Simplified Jill Banks
Proportions, line, gesture, form and mood can be expressed with the simplest of materials. In this course, students gain a solid foundation in drawing by learning how to see, breaking down any subject into darks and lights, and building the form with simple, abstract shapes and lines. Using still lifes, interior spaces and the figure as subjects, students discover how to capture entire scenes with confidence. Model fees are extra. Information on the instructor can be found at: and on her blog at (More advanced students can paint instead of drawing with charcoal, but the emphasis is on form and tone rather than color.)
$280 9:30am-12:30pm, Tuesdays, 8 weeks, September 23-November 11
Painting the Portrait in Oils Jill Banks
This course covers the basic elements of painting the portrait: composition, mood, gesture, form, structure, and features. Emphasis is placed on creating sound and compelling paintings as well as achieving a likeness. Students will learn how to achieve beautiful skin tones through color studies and to place the figure in space. Model fees are extra. Information on the instructor can be found at: and on her blog at
$280 1:30-4:30pm, Tuesdays, 8 weeks, September 23-November 11
The Eloquent Brush Tracie Griffith Tso
Students will be taught fundamental spontaneous brushstrokes and will learn to use traditional materials – rice paper, ink stick and Asian-style brushes – to create bamboo, orchid, chrysanthemum, plum blossom and many others. Experience the artistry of the Far East and incorporate the traditions of ancient China into your repertoire on paper, pottery and much more. Information on the instructor can be found at:
$300 + $40 materials fee 10:00-11:30am, Thursdays, 8 weeks, September 25-November 13
Oil Painting from Photos You LoveAdrienne Kralick
Have fun creating beautiful oil paintings from photos that interest and excite you. On the first day, bring in a group of photos you would like to paint. Learn what does or does not make a great source for a painting. Each student will choose either their own or the instructor's photos to create one or two finished paintings during the eight-week session. Students will learn how to crop for the best composition and impact; to select an area of focus and a path for the eye to follow; what to add or omit from a photo reference; and how to choose and mix colors to match your source and create depth, light and shadow. All levels are welcome. Information on the instructor can be found at:
$240 9:30am-12:30pm, Fridays, 8 weeks, September 26-November 14
$240 1:00-4:00pm, Sundays, 8 weeks, Sept. 28-Nov. 23 (No class on October 19)
Painting Flowers & Landscapes in OilYiyan Huff
Students will learn the skills of painting including the foundation sketch, color layering, and finishing details. Special emphasis is placed on the observation of colors, light, composition, and perspective to create a sound painting with realism and warmth. Information on the instructor can be found at$240 1:00pm-3:00pm, Thursdays, 8 weeks, September 25-November 13
Jewelry-Making: Five Easy PiecesDonna Barnako
An introductory course for beginners to explore some exciting facets of jewelry-making. Begin with simple earrings and bead stringing for necklaces. Advance to an amazing fringed bracelet; then learn basic wire working and coiling skills to make a bangle bracelet, clasp and all. Finally, students will be introduced to the world of metalworking: hammering and texturing brass and copper, cutting and fashioning it into a pendant or earrings and adding an antique finish. Information on the instructor can be found at:$300 + $50 materials fee (tools available to use) 10:00am-1:00pm, Mondays, 8 weeks, September 22-November 18 (No class on October 13)
Intro to Digital Photography (Crash Course)Heidi Mraz
This class demystifies the technology so you can start taking better pictures right away. Learn the basics of file formats, menu & scene settings, exposure, ISO, shutter speed, bracketing, composition and lighting. Find out how to transfer images to the computer and options to print and save your photos. Information on the instructor can be found at
$50 1:00-4:00pm, Saturday, September 27
Photoshop Elements – the Basics (Crash Course)Heidi Mraz
Learn the basics of digital image editing including: managing and saving your photos, resizing and cropping, sharpening, color correction, exposure, retouching and using creative filters. Plus explore ways to output your photos and more.
$50 1:00-4:00pm, Saturday, October 25
GREAT FALLS SCHOOL OF ART and GFFFTAGreat Falls Foundation for the Arts, Inc. (GFFFTA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to provide quality art education for children and adults, exhibition venues for local and regional artists, and rental studio space to artists. Our goal is to establish a center for the arts in Great Falls and to have art as a thriving, accessible element of our community.
GFFFTA was founded by the artists of Great Falls Studios, an organization of over 75 artists who live or work in Great Falls, Virginia. Great Falls School of Art is a part of GFFFTA and was established in 2008. Great Falls School of Art intends to have classes for adults and children in fine and applied visual arts on an ongoing basis.
Registration FormTo register for class, please send this completed registration form with full payment to:
Great Falls Foundation for the Arts, Inc.
c/o Jill Baker, Education Registrar
200 Rivers Edge Drive
Great Falls, Virginia 22066
(703) 759-1640
Name _____________________________________________
City________________________________ State _________ Zip Code ___________
Day Phone ________________________ Evening Phone _______________________
Email (for class confirmation) ______________________________________________
In case of emergency, contact: __________________________ Phone _____________
I heard about the School from ______________________________________________
Course Title ___________________________
Instructor _____________________________
Day/Time ____________________________
Cost __________
Course Title ___________________________
Instructor _____________________________
Day/Time ____________________________
Cost __________
Course Title ___________________________
Instructor _____________________________
Day/Time ____________________________
Cost __________
Enclose payment. (Make check or money order payable to: Great Falls Foundation for the Arts, Inc., no cash by mail, please). Course fees are refundable if cancellation is made by student in writing at least two weeks prior to first class session, if course is full, or if the course is cancelled by GFFFTA. Course instructors will email confirmation of class registration to those registered, together with a list of any suggested supplies for the course not provided by instructor. Some courses have model fees or a materials fee, as noted above. Easels, where required, will be provided by GFFFTA for use on school premises, 1144 Walker Road, Suite G, Great Falls, Virginia.
Jill Banks 703-403-7435 and
http://jillbanks.blogspot.comDonna Barnako 703-759-3549
www.jewelworx.comTracie Griffith Tso 408-705-2652
www.inksart.comYiyan Huff 703-757-7695 Kralick 703-716-4299
www.adrienneartist.comHeidi Mraz 703-759-4933