Saturday, December 26, 2009

Painting Lemons Today ... "Sunflowers, Lemons and the Blue Teakettle" Continues

Holiday celebrations continue ... but that didn't keep me from diving into paint today. I've worked on "Sunflowers, Lemons and the Blue Teakettle" for a few additional days since last peek.

A few ideas have been running through my head while I've been painting it. Such as, why haven't I been painting the snow that's been piled up outside? Instead, I enjoyed a few snow days -- a reprieve from any thoughts of mall-shopping to get large, focused blocks of time to paint on two ongoing projects -- "Sunflowers, Lemons and the Blue Teakettle" and a portrait commission.

My paintings have undergone a transformation lately. I see it in this, soon to be finished painting, and in "Tranquility" which I will also be finishing up shortly. There's a sense of calm, peacefulness, air about them. Funny how these canvases describe exactly my mindset while painting them. It affects the way I see what's right in front of me ... and all the choices that direct my brush.

Right in the midst of a bustling holiday season, I find some cherished quiet time. I hope you did, too.

Happy Holidays!


"Sunflowers, Lemons and the Blue Teakettle" work in progress, oil on linen, 30"h x 24"w, copyright Jill Banks 2009.

Phone: 703.403.7435

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