"Tea with Anne" is in the Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club's Annual Open Exhibition at the National Arts Club from
September 23 to October 13. 15 Gramercy Park South, NY, NY 10003. Phone: 212-475-3424. See my earlier
post about this show.

A charcoal of "John" is in the
Art League monthly juried show through October 7. "Male Torso" is also in the Art League gallery on view until October 7.105 North Union Street, Alexandria, VA. Gallery phone:703-683-1780.
"Summer Reading", "Striped Skirt" and "Orchestra at Florian's" are in the
Art at the Mill show in Millwood, VA.15 Tannery Lane, Millwood, VA. Phone: 540-955-2600.

"Hog Wild", "Alice with a Bad Case of Wanderlust", "Nigerian Beauty", "Cabaret" and "Kathy After the Dance"--five interesting portraits-- are in my solo show, "La Femme" at the
Bastille Restaurant in Alexandria, VA through the beginning of December.1201 North Royal Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Phone: (703) 519-3776.
Check on this before visiting, but at
Chasen Galleries in Richmond, you can see (and buy) some of my restaurant series: "Through the Window", "Corner Couple", "After Hours", "Friends in Florence" and "Like Husband, Like Wife". They also have a still life "Food and Games." 3554 West Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23221. Phone: 800-524-2736.
At Chasen Galleries in Charlotte, North Carolina, see "Home Again, Home Again" and "Pumpkinfied".2850 Selwyn Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28209. Phone: 704-376-0066
And more, in my studio at the Artists' Atelier, 1144 Walker Road, Suite G. Come take a look. Best bet, make an appointment. Call me at (703) 403-7435 or email me: jillbanks1@aol.com
See my web site (
www.jillbanks.com) for photos of some of the paintings listed here. Need more info? Contact me.
All images are copyrighted. All rights reserved.