Rabbits and Ranunculus, oil on linen-lined panel, 20"h x 16"w, ©2018 Jill Banks |
| www.JillBanks.com |
Things have been getting a little smelly in the Banks' kitchen each time we've opened the refrigerator door. It wasn't helping that
Rabbits and Ranunculus has been on again, off again over the last two and a half weeks with past-their-prime parsley root, some odd looking bunch of perhaps broccolini, several cabbages and lettuces being stored inside the fridge waiting for their return to center stage. Today, the painting is finished ... and the produce has gone out where it belongs. (At least you can tell it looked pretty and was fresh at one point.)
Enjoying a surprisingly sunny day on the farm last Thursday. I'm behind the camera ... not in front of it. |
Rabbits and Ranunculus's progress have been outings all over the DC/Northern Virginia area scouting out plein air painting locations for my landscape class, getting ready for classes that started this past week and taking advantage of all sunny days to get outside with my easel.