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"Night Owls," oil, 12"h x 24"w, ©2017 Jill Banks |
Many paintings were started ... and almost completed en plein air during our week stay in Lucca. You'll see them relatively soon on my blog (here) and email newsletter. The week in Lucca was followed by another weeklong stay in Bologna with a trip to the beach at Viareggio in between. There are so many fun and touching stories to relate ahead but at the moment I'm sitting on the plane ready to return back home. Lots to look forward to!!!!
Arrivederci, Italia! Grazie!
September Featured Artist of the Month at Ellis-Nicholson Gallery in Charleston, SC
Come to the First Friday Art Walk there on September 1. More pieces will be added to the ones that have recently arrived in the Gallery and I'll be there on First Friday to meet you!
Really looking forward to being in the gallery, meeting you and introducing my work in this new venue.
View the paintings that will be part of my "Close Encounters" exhibit at Ellis-Nicholson in Charleston, SC this September online here.
Upcoming Events
"Close Encounters" Featured Artist of the Month, First Friday Art Walk -- Charleston SC at the Ellis-Nicholson Gallery, September 1
Long Beach Island Plein Air Plus, Long Beach Island NJ, July 1-August 31 - Exhibit September 8-October 31
Gracie Square Art Show, Carl Schurz Park, NYC, September 9-10
Alexandria King Street Art Festival, Alexandria VA, September 16-17
Armonk Outdoor Art Show, Armonk NY, September 23-24
MPA McLean Artfest, McLean VA, October 1
Sedona Plein Air Festival, Sedona AZ, October 14-21
Great Falls Annual Studio Tour, Great Falls VA (Artists' Atelier, 756 Walker Road, Great Falls -- I'll be there Sunday only.) October 20-22
Fall Classes and Workshop ... Register Now
Still Life Plus (Personal Projects Also) starts September 12.
Evening Paint starts Tuesday, September 12.
Painting the Portrait -- Three-Day Workshop -- October 27-29, 2017.
Class size is limited. The class and workshop are taught through the Arts of Great Falls School at 756-C Walker Road, Great Falls VA.
Get more info on my Classes page.
I was chosen as one of the Top 9 Painting and Drawing Teachers in the Washington DC area by Expertise.com. (Pretty cool endorsement.)
Read the Article: Southwest Art Artist to Watch, July 2017
Here's a link to the PDF of the wonderful Artist to Watch article written by Kim Agricola.
Still Life Plus (Personal Projects Also) starts September 12.
Evening Paint starts Tuesday, September 12.
Painting the Portrait -- Three-Day Workshop -- October 27-29, 2017.
Class size is limited. The class and workshop are taught through the Arts of Great Falls School at 756-C Walker Road, Great Falls VA.
Get more info on my Classes page.
I was chosen as one of the Top 9 Painting and Drawing Teachers in the Washington DC area by Expertise.com. (Pretty cool endorsement.)
Read the Article: Southwest Art Artist to Watch, July 2017
Here's a link to the PDF of the wonderful Artist to Watch article written by Kim Agricola.
Paint Great Falls 2017 - September 6-9 - CALL FOR ARTISTS
are invited to participate in this third annual event to paint plein
air anywhere in Great Falls VA from September 6-9, 2017. Generous
awards. Open to the first 40 registrants -- non-juried. I was the
competition judge last year -- and it was tough to pick the winners from
the fine work that sprang to life in the span of a few short days. Get
more info at: www.greatfallsart.org/paint-great-falls/
Thanks for reading!
Jill Banks
Chosen as one of the Top 9 Painting and Drawing Teachers in the Washington DC area by Expertise.com.
Blog: For my latest news and works, visit or subscribe to my blog Life as an Artist at jillbanks.blogspot.com
Email: jill@jillbanks.com
Website: www.jillbanks.com
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Jill-Banks-Studio-278493468836508/ (Please like that page if you like it...)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jillbanks1
Instagram (New): https://www.instagram.com/jillbanks1/