Friday, March 18, 2011

Shirley Nagelschmidt Is Face #75 in My 100 Faces in 100 Days Project

I'm three-quarters of the way through my 100 Faces in 100 Days Project. Wow! There have been a ton of lessons learned. My painting "muscles" are in tune. I've thoroughly enjoyed the perspectives and insights of my sitters. They are all dancing around in my head. In turn, I'm pretty sure my sitters have gotten a lot out of their time spent here. Some of that is evident in comments and emails. They've enjoyed sharing their experience with others. A successful ongoing project with lots of win-wins.

"Shirley Nagelschmidt: Face #75," oil, 12"h x 12"w, copyright Jill Banks 2011
Shirley Nagelschmidt came and sat for me today. She's one of my parents' neighbors who also is the owner of lots of art including my drawing "After Caravaggio" that I created on a trip back from Rome last year.

Shirley had a painting done of her once before, by her mom, an artist herself. Shirley was about five at the time and remembers staying super still for that sitting. I encouraged her to move more.

I knew some of Shirley's "story" coming into the sitting. She was widowed twice within four years ... and Shirley is writing a book and writes a blog about still being alive. She had originally started writing about her experiences to help her through it. Then she realized that others were interested in what she had to say. Her project is evolving and sooner or later, she'll get her book published. Go to her site:, A Widow's Journey.

Shirley asked if my knowing part of her story influenced the way that I painted her and I said I didn't think that it did. During our conversation, I witness or seek to learn something about that person and take an objective look. I want to see for myself. Our time together covered the gamut of emotions and thoughts.  One of Shirley's comments on seeing her painting is that "she looks like there are so many facets of her."  I agree.

100 Faces in 100 Days Project:
Phone: 703.403.7435

The Art League Featured My Project on their gallery blog post March 17, 2011. Thanks!

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