Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Face #11 is Dad! Great Day Today

Today was the first day of my Still Life class ... more on that later.

"Dad" is Face #11. Yea!
Today was also my Dad's day to sit for my 100 Faces in 100 Days project ... and I wouldn't trade in today's four hours for the world. Sometimes, you realize (or recognize) just how lucky you are. I know it always, but it comes right smack dab and hits you over the head other times. Like today.

I heard some stories I hadn't heard before and some I had that were fun to hear again. Our conversation crossed all paths, wound around, filled the space with good cheer and laughter. We rarely get a chance to just spend time like that together. One on one. Today was one of those memories I'll hold onto for a lifetime.

My painting of Dad is just like Dad. He's wearing his Swedish hat and his head is cocked and thoughtful. He's always telling me that someone else has an interesting face to paint ... or that someone else would be more interesting to paint than him. So he's not wise in this one area.

Looks are deceiving here. My painting is only 12"h x 12"w
I showed it to him in a number of stages, and just like the rest of my sitters, he was surprised to recognize himself on canvas. He really liked it, and was wondering if that was an okay reaction. That's a great reaction. How sad for me if someone didn't like my painting of them.

My paintings express just what I like (or love) about the people in front of me.

So, at the end of today with freezing rain and snow falling outside the studio, I had a hard time leaving my wall of faces behind. (I bet Dad likes it because he gets to share the row with Mom.) It's getting somehow more powerful by the day.

Day #11. Face #11. "Dad" (Ken Johnson), oil on Raphael linen-lined board, 12"h x 12"w, copyright Jill Banks 2011.

Web: www.jillbanks.com
Blog: jillbanks.blogspot.com
100 Faces in 100 Days Project: www.jillbanks.com/jillbanks/100_Faces_in_100_Days_Project.html
Email: jillbanks1@aol.com
Phone: 703.403.7435


Shonnie (Mom) said...

You REALLY captured your dad! He definitely looks exactly like the guy I've been married to for 60 years... with his hat on just right for this wintry weather, and obviously enjoying his day with you immensely!
Actually, how could he NOT enjoy it?
Love, Mom

Ken (Dad) said...

Thank you, Jill! What a fantastic afternoon! It was like magic!

To spend a few one-on-one hours with you as "Face #11" was a huge treat and a special blessing for me. Not only are you a beautifully talented artist, but clearly one of the most enjoyable personalities I have ever met. And that is my unbiased opinion.

Candidly, prior to this "sitting', I could not quite visualize myself in the role of "model". Like most folks, I didn't think of my face as something interesting enough to appear in oils. But, the truth is that since your mom and I wanted to assist you in finding special faces for you to paint, it just didn't seem right to invite others to volunteer if we weren't willing to do the same.

Now, I never questioned it when you asked your mom (Shonnie) to be Face #8 because to me, that made great sense. She has a magnificent look, even enhanced by some very nicely placed character wrinkles. And, you did a great job!!!

So, Jill, I want you to know that I surely feel good about everything today! You actually captured what I think I look like, but mostly, thanks for being my kid! Love you! Proud of you! Have fun!!!


Jerry Stocks said...

Jill, how lucky you are to still have both of your parents and to possess the skill to capture the essence of them on canvas. Both paintings are super!!

Jill Banks said...

I know just how lucky I am and try to show it.

Scott (oldest brother) said...



You really captured someone we both admire, not just the likeness, but the emotion - reflective and loving - at least that was my interpretation.

Really proud of you too! You're amazing.


Jill Banks said...

Thanks Mom, Dad, and Scott,

I'm very, very happy to have the chance to "capture" my favorite pop. What a treat! And an amazing experience ... to listen, laugh and watch it emerge.
